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A Gandy Girl


Clipped - Devon McCormack


And this wasn't just nice...this was brilliant.


I have to be honest...I adore Devon and his romances are definitely entertaining with amazingly hot and sweet sex scenes and some great characters but for me...I am more of a sucker for the fuckery that comes from this man.  The Bastard Series up until this point has been my favorite.  But now...this fuckery wins out.


The world building here I absolutely loved.  The exploration of the relationship between The Almightly and The Leader (Satan) was a good mindfuck all on its own...but the story that grows from our introduction to dear Jerry to the Fallen and the Hinderlings and then to Maggie just completely worked for me.  And this starts off with some quite disturbing shit.   



And then there's the fuckery that is the life that the Kid has endured. I, like Trey, fell hard for this character from first sight.  Such heart in this amazing character.  And that's the thing.  Heart.  While this book may be described as erotic fuckery (is that the actual tag on Amazon??) this includes some unbelievably developed relationships that begin seeping out through the lines, through the violence and through the blood.  


“I’ve seen centuries of torture, blood thirst, and rape. But every so often, you see some puny mortal do something that surprises you…sacrifice something so precious for the sake of another. For their child. For their lover. I was created to be aesthetically pleasing. It’s a quality higherlings venerate, but when you’ve had that advantage as long as I have, it doesn’t impress you. You come to see the beauty of things unseen. Like those things I’ve seen in mortals. Will, honor, love. When you see things like that, you realize that somewhere inside of these creatures is something beautiful. Something worth saving.”


I mean seriously??  Trey surprised the hell out of me.  What a shockingly beautiful character for a book I thought would just be fucked up.  And that is the brilliance that I love.


As Kid looked into Treycore’s eyes, he didn’t see the anger and hate that he’d seen before. He saw pain and sadness. He saw weakness and vulnerability. He wished that he could wrap his arms around Treycore and console him. But he knew how stupid that would look. They’d known each other for less than a day, and he was just a smelly mortal, as Treycore had continually reminded him. As much as he wanted to believe that Treycore was sharing this because he was having strong feelings too, he knew that it was more likely that he just wanted someone to share it with…


This fuckery indeed has heart.. And don't get me started on Kinzer.  This beautiful broken angel has his own heartbreaking story as well and how this ends for him in this installment just killed me.


Casting of these quite memorable characters may take me some time as I locate just the right images...but thanks to a post Sheena (on FB) made...this is my Kid...I can totally see him acquiring this tattoo as well.  <3



Now to dive into Bound and the fear that I will be left with one hellava cliffhanger.  


*Note:  I received these through a Giveaway Devon held on FB.  I can  only hope that the republishing of this amazing series happens soon as everyone who enjoys fuckery needs to read this.  This is certainly not for everyone...but damn...it should be.