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A Gandy Girl

Bound (The Clipped Saga, Book 2)

Bound - Devon McCormack

“Love isn’t about forcing someone to be with you. It’s about being with them because you want to be, because it’s the only way you can keep on.”


Phew…what a roller coaster ride this one was.  I cannot wait to see how this all comes to closure and will continue to hound our dear Devon until I get my hands on a copy.


While the moments with Kid tore at my heart, it was once again our dear Trey that emotionally tore me up.


“I don’t think it’s something I can explain. I just… from the moment I first met you… from our first encounter… there was something about you. At first, it made me furious… it made me hate you, because it was so strong. But in the brief interaction we shared, I saw something in you—something that was the reason I came to defend humanity to begin with. Something mystical. Something I’ve never seen in any creature before.”


Gaaaahhh…so love him. 


And then there is Kinzer…he will continue to just break my heart, I am certain of it.


What horrible curse made this always happen to him? Was he so trusting that he let in these twisted, most heinous of characters?


But honestly it was some of the other characters that made this book even better for me…


Eilee…such a fascinating character and brought forth quite a different dynamic with Trey than we have seen before. I loved seeing a bit of their history while also seeing the love that Trey holds for Kid.


Maggie…I grew to love that crazy ass woman more with every page.  Her moments were not only disturbing but rather gut wrenching as well. 


Vera…still the biggest bitch in the land, there is no doubt.


But no one topped Hayde.  I WANT HIM!!!! HE’S MINE.  MINE.  MINE.


I will say the only thing that kept this from being a 5 star book for me was the number of fight scenes…my heavens…I think even Jason Bourne would have been exhausted.



While we got some emotional moments and tender *giggles* lubeless sex, I needed more of these moments.  I eagerly await the conclusion as this is one series that will remain at the top of the stack for me. 


**Highly Recommended**