The conclusion has finally arrived, and I am in awe. Honestly not since Nicholas Bella has an author taken me on such an unbelievable mindfuck like this author has. And while there was a break in writing between books 2 and 3, this author managed to step right back into this world without missing a beat.
First off, this is a book with painful sex. And while many may shy away from this part of the story it is brilliantly done. These acts are not thrown in for the sake of it. These acts are such an integral part of the story, of these characters and it is in these scenes that so much is revealed about these characters, their nature, their desires and their true heart. Yes…heart. As I mentioned in my review of earlier books, what is the biggest surprise of this series is the heart of these characters and the love they have for one another. Even when you want to smack one of them upside the head… *coughs…KINZER* it is moments later that your heart melts for them just as hard.
Trey might have the biggest cock in the series, but it is no match for his heart. I swear the love expressed here between him and His Kid is some of the best moments of the book. And yet, Hayde and what he endures for the love of his life, is equally emotional.
Treycore could hear his body in a way he couldn’t describe, he could feel a part of Kid he seemed to only have access to when they fucked. It was what had bonded them, some connection that was so much more profound than anything they could communicate with words.
He’d lived a long life…a life of aching that only grew and intensified with every passing day. However, as much as he felt like it could be worth it to end it all, there was a reason to live: for Kinzer.
While your ass may hurt, my gawd, these characters feel…they want the pain…they need the pain and it is in these moments that they…live. And I loved how in this installment we got more of their internal struggles, insights and feelings than we have previously.
Immortals had a taste for something a little different than mortals. Pleasure was one thing, but the combination of pain and pleasure and the nuances in between were far more appealing.
“In some ways, the pain is the only thing left to remind me I’m still alive."
Another aspect of this one are the numerous WTF moments involving creatures and torture elements that are just so mind-blowingly crazy…including one strap on that is a mix of “Seven” and Lucille from The Walking Dead…
…and regardless of how crazy…I just couldn’t help the shit eating grin that appeared on my face.
Because really...Devon came up with this stuff...and I love it!!!
Add to all this…new characters we love to hate… Aerysn and Quintz are both amazing additions to this series. Can you trust them or not? Like with previous installments…you never really now.
This is a series in which you need to put aside your mortal ideas of relationships, of religion and of sex and just immerse yourself into this world…one that is fantastically developed and explored by one unbelievably creative mind.
**Highly Recommended**
*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review*