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A Gandy Girl

Wrapped Up In You

Wrapped Up In You - Ella Frank, Brooke Blaine
A Valentine’s Day Lovely! This is sweet and utterly romantic and while short was a perfect Valentine’s Day story. 

While I loved these characters and their magical day, I personally had a hard time connecting with them and wish I had gotten a few more flashbacks of their early relationship moments. It is hard for me to connect to an established couple, especially in such few pages. Too bad for me. :-(

In addition to the story, you are also given the first chapters of both Brooke and Ella’s upcoming books…and I have to say, while I am eager to read Robbie’s book, the snippet we get of Ollie and Reid totally did it for me. I am so eager to read more of these men, who immediately grabbed hold of me.

Cannot wait for February and March to arrive!

*An ARC was received from the Author in exchange for an honest review.*