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A Gandy Girl

Secrets Best Untold

Secrets Best Untold - Nicky James

First off...this book needs a rape warning. I mean it’s not graphic but 3/4 of this book revolves around the trauma associated with sexual abuse. So to start out this book thinking I’m heading in one direction and be led into this was very troubling...especially since Book 2 includes a self harm warning of which that aspect was quite minimal. 


That aside there were parts of this third installment that were absolutely beautiful and the love Alastair has for Brandon overwhelmingly touching. I love their connection. 


Once the recovery begins, it happens quite quickly. Almost too quick for my taste...not sure how realistic that is and yet Brandon tends to be one who continues to jump every hurdle set before him. 


I would have liked another scene with Chase and Brandon as well. But the HEA was much deserved. 


Definitely worth the read but I’m pleased to see the growth of Nicky James since these first books.