So it was in November of 2013 when I stumbled upon this book in Goodreads and decided to dip my toes into the M/M genre. Having never read anything like this before, I thought I would give it a “Try”. Reading, hunkered down with my kindle, during a Thanksgiving break with family surrounding me...I am not sure I have fallen for a couple quicker…I was captivated. Since then I have submerged myself into this genre. Meeting friends on line, buddy reading with some amazing bookworMMs like myself, heading to book conferences, sharing our love for reading and men in love and to this day I am still amazed that my to read shelf continues to grow at a faster pace than I could ever imagine finishing.
So, while it is not with every book, with Logan and Tate my images were clear. I quickly found my casting and only until recently have I thought twice about them…these men were just the perfect image of this quite amazing couple.
Tate (Marlon Teixeira)
Logan (David James Gandy)
Yes, I know…big shocker. And knowing the Gandy Girl that I am, David is not a go to casting. There are only a handful of characters that he fits for me. And Logan is certainly one of those.
Over the years I have read, reread and posted numerous updates and nearly all of them include images of these two beautiful men. See my reviews and updates here:
And now…here we are 3 and a half years later and Ella has revealed some of the most beautiful revamped covers that I have seen in a while. Gone are the men from the older covers that frankly never worked as Tate and Logan for me at all. And quite honestly this is the case I find with many author casting selections...their castings just don't work for me. Why is that? I can only assume we each pull together visions in our own heads that work not only for what we are reading but what we ourselves find attractive.
But these selections…let me say…I am pleased, quite pleased.
These men are gorgeous and the absolute perfect portrayal of these men. I am quickly finding my brain is switching gears on me and no longer picturing my Marlon and David. Wow! That is saying something. But come on…if you have read this series at all then you can see that Ella’s images are quite perfect and to get these men on her covers is just all the more fantastic. I eagerly await book 4 and getting my grubby hands all over these paperbacks.
Tate (Clement Becq)
Logan (Adam Cowie)
On my next read…which casting images will surface? Hmmmm…I may just have to broaden my search criteria and use them all. <3